For the National Museum in Poznan

Jacek Malczewski's exhibition | 2022

A film about the exhibition "I go into the world and endure. Paintings by Jacek Malczewski from the Lviv National Art Gallery" (orig. Idę w świat i trwam. Obrazy Jacka Malczewskiego z Lwowskiej Narodowej Galerii Sztuki)

Nicz-Borowiakowa exhibition | 2022

A film accompanying the exhibition "Avant-gardist. Maria Nicz-Borowiakowa (1896-1944)" about the artist's biography.


Coins and medals from Greater Poland | 2022

A film about the exhibition "Greater Poland in Coins and Medals. A Journey through a Millennium" (orig. Wielkopolska w monetach i medalach. Podróż przez tysiąclecie)



For YES Gallery

From the idea to the industry | 2023

PRL (The Polish People's Republic) jewelry from the collection of Maria Magdalena Kwiatkiewicz

photos from the opening of the exhibition

Announcement of the exhibition on social media

Announcement of the exhibition

on Facebook

Video with the curator's statement

I'm a woman | 2022

Exhibition of photographs by Maria Magdalena Kwiatkiewicz


Goldsmith artists. Conversations about Polish jewelry | 2022

Video from the book launch.

